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Archive for the tag “One Way”

Maximum Impact


He was born in an obscure village

The child of a peasant woman

He grew up in another obscure village

Where he worked in a carpenter shop

Until he was thirty

Then for three years

He was an itinerant preacher

He never owned a home

He never wrote a book

He never held an office

He never went to college

He never visited a big city

He never travelled more than two hundred miles

From the place where he was born

He did none of the things

Usually associated with greatness

He had no credentials but himself

He was only thirty-three

While he was a young man,

The tide of popular opinion turned against him

His friends ran away

One of them denied him

He was turned over to his enemies

And went through the mockery of a trial

He was beaten and abused for crimes that were not his

He was nailed to a cross between two thieves

While dying, his executioners gambled for his clothing

The only property he had on earth

When he was dead

He was laid in a borrowed grave

Through the pity of a friend

Nineteen centuries have come and gone

And today Jesus is the central figure of the human race

And the leader of mankind’s progress

All the armies that have ever marched

All the navies that have ever sailed

All the colleges that have ever taught

All the parliaments that have ever sat

All the kings that ever reigned put together

Have not affected the life of mankind on earth

As powerfully as that One Solitary Life

What about People who have never heard the Gospel?

There is a lot behind this question. Questions that concerning difficulties such as the fairness of God, the suffering of hell, the numerous conflicting religions and the effects of sin on “good” people. Often this question is a smoke screen to divert attention off the individual and toward vague generalities. This is hardly exhaustive but it is intended to open up a dialogue.


As the scenario goes, “What about the guy on the deserted island who has never heard the name of Jesus, will he go to hell? Will God punish him because he never got the opportunity to know this truth or read a Bible? It’s not fair!” (Well if you are reading this and you are not a believer let me tell you as kindly as I can. You are not that guy and you do have the opportunity to know the name of Jesus) I think that this is a very fair question. I also believe that the key lies in the person of God, his character, who he has revealed himself to be.


God has been reaching out to us prior to creation. As we understand who God is we will see that it is his express desire to know us in a personal way. In fact we see that creation is one of the ways that he gets our attention, but we suppress the truth. It is difficult to look up at our world, see the Grand Canyon, the Ocean, the majesty of the night sky, the creativity of the animal world, such are amazing wonders that could never happen by chance and time. What do chance and time give you? A mess. So how could we think something could come from nothing, or that (Rm 1:18-32).


The Bible also tells us of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and his redemptive work on the cross and his ensuing resurrection, seen by hundreds of people. We can read in John 14:6 and Acts 4:12 that it is only in Christ that we can be saved. So where does that leave other religions or cults such as the Ancient Mayans, Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims or Mormons? Do they have any chance? Well according to scripture not without faith in the work of Jesus Christ. Does this mean that God is hateful? Hardly, he has taken many steps to reach out to those who are seeking for truth.

“26 From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live. 27 God did this so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us. “Acts 17:26-27 (NIV)

One such person is the Ethiopian Eunuch official. He was reading a scroll of Isaiah and God sent Philip to tell him about Christ. (Acts 8:26-40) There is also the account of a Roman Commander named Cornelius-a devoutly religious man who was seeking after God (Acts 10:1-48). God sent Peter to him to tell him about Jesus and the plan of salvation.


I hope that you can understand the point that the Bible presents. If you are looking for God, he will reveal himself to you in some manner. Just ask him, it’s what he does. God wants to be found. Are YOU looking? If you have found him, are you lighting the way for others?

Keep the Faith and Give it Away


18 The LORD alone is God! He created the heavens and made a world where people can live, instead of creating an empty desert. The LORD alone is God; there are no others.
19 The LORD did not speak in a dark secret place or command Jacob’s descendants to search for him in vain. The LORD speaks the truth, and this is what he says
20 to every survivor from every nation: “Gather around me! Learn how senseless it is to worship wooden idols or pray to helpless gods. 21 “Why don’t you get together and meet me in court? Didn’t I tell you long ago what would happen? I am the only God! There are no others. I bring about justice, and have the power to save. 22 I invite the whole world to turn to me and be saved. I alone am God! No others are real.
Isaiah 45:18-22 (CEV)


cross-necklaceOne Way? Or Many? Percentage of Americans who agree with the statement “Many Religions can lead to eternal life.”

Protestants– 66%

Evangelical Christians 57%

Catholics– 79%

Jewish– 82%

Muslim– 56%

Other Religions– 70%

(Source– Outreach Magazine Sept/Oct 2008, pg 36.

The Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life) The first 5 on the list all share the Old Testament as a Holy Work, the first 3 are Christian Religions and accept the New Testament on equal footing. Questions to Think Over– Does this agree with what we know of scripture? If all religions are exclusive can they all be right? How does John 14:6 tie in. If Jesus believed it, was he wrong or did he lie? Is there absolute truth, or does it depend on the individual? What about you? One Way or Many?

I think that it is startling that so many who call themselves Christians simply don’t know the Bible or they one the say they follow!

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